Developmental Disability News with a Focus on NYS

Takeaways from the Special Education Legislative Summit 2023

July 20, 2023
The Boost News

The annual Special Education Legislative Summit (SELS), held this year July 9-12 in Washington, D.C., is an opportunity for educators nationwide to advocate for change with Members of Congress.

K-12 Dive has a good look at the event, attended by some 300 special education directors, professors, graduate students, consultants and other stakeholders.

Legislative priorities were discussed, including special ed teacher shortages; school psychologists, social workers and counselors shortages; and the need to increase investment in Part B state grants for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Part B, or special education and related services, makes up approximately 95% of total IDEA appropriations).

The summit is hosted by the Council for Exceptional Children and the Council of Administrators of Special Education.

Photo: Caleb Perez via