Developmental Disability News with a Focus on NYS

Apply to the LEND Training Program for Future Family Leaders and Advocates

February 22, 2024
The Boost News

Are you a person with a disability, a graduate student in a disability-related field, or a parent/sibling of an individual with intellectual/ developmental disabilities? Consider applying to the Westchester Institute of Human Development (WIHD) LEND Program as a trainee for 2024-2025.

LEND stands for Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities. The program at WIHD is a two-semester interdisciplinary leadership training program — one of 60 nationwide funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Federal Government. LEND Program participants graduate with competencies required by family leaders and advocates in the field of developmental disabilities.

Application requirements

Demonstrated interest in working with individuals with disabilities and their families meeting one or more of these criteria:

  • Currently enrolled in a master’s program in one of the LEND disciplines at an affiliated university.
  • A self-advocate with demonstrated readiness to develop leadership skills and share disability perspectives with the trainee cohort.
  • A family member of a child or adult with a disability of a child or adult with a disability with a demonstrated interest in developing leadership skills and sharing family perspectives with the trainee cohort.

You can find much more about the program, and find the application, here.